NORM: Awareness

Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) includes all radioactive elements found organically in the environment. These materials exist in low, non-hazardous levels all around us. However, the extraction and production of oil, natural gas, or minerals may cause NORM to accumulate in hazardous concentrations. NORM: Awareness reviews the hazards and proper safety procedures associated with NORM.

Deaf to the Danger: Packing Plant Scenario

Earbuds are not part of the job. They isolate you from your work environment and workplace hazards. This video demonstrates the dangers associated with wearing earbuds on the job in a packing plant. (1 min 25 s)

Confined spaces: deadly spaces

This video is designed for municipal workers and illustrates the basic rules for working in confined spaces. Oxygen deficiency and other potential dangers are covered. In addition, the health effects and physical characteristics of toxic gases including carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide, and methane are examined.